A Building Survey is a close inspection of the structure and condition of the building and also a general inspection of the services. The report allows buyers to make an informed decision based on the condition of the property and also budget for repair works that are required immediately and over the coming years.
A Specific Defect Report outlines the cause of the defect, a specification of the required remedial works and an estimate of the cost of the repairs.
If required our surveyors can prepare tenders and manage the remedial works ensuring these are executed to the required standards.

A Snag List is a detailed report cataloguing outstanding works which should be carried out by the developer prior to the completion of the sale. This type of report is ideal for newly constructed or refurbished properties.

Issues such as condensation, poorly maintained communal areas and breaches in Building Regulations can often arise in apartment blocks. An apartment survey is an in-depth inspection of the subject property and the associated communal areas. The report allows buyers to make an informed decision based on the condition of the apartment and also highlights any defects which could lead to an increase in the service charge paid to the management company.

A Schedule of Works is an instructional list for a contractor to identify the works involved and allow them to calculate a cost for the works. This type of report is ideal on smaller projects or for alteration works.
If required our surveyors can manage the works ensuring these are executed to a high standard.

Before carrying out works adjacent to a neighbouring property or to a party wall you must record the condition of the adjoining property. A schedule of condition catalogues the condition of the property at a specific time. The report provides protection for both those carrying out the works and the adjoining owners as it can be used to settle disputes regarding damage caused by the works.
Legal Mapping
Solicitors acting for the purchasers of unregistered freehold or leasehold land must apply for Registration of the Title in accordance with the Property Registration Authority rules. This will often involve the preparation of Land Registry Maps.
Our surveyors will carry out a site inspection to identify if there is any evidence of discrepancies between the site boundaries and the existing title map. Based on evidence collected during the inspection the surveyor will then prepare a Land Registry map in accordance with the Property Registration Authority requirements.